I'll start from now and go backward...

However, on Sunday, we were in Sacrament Meeting...the rest hymn was about to start and the Branch President stood up and had his counselor go look out the window to find extremely rain and windy weather. In the background we heard the tornado sirens. After a quick little cheesy joke about singing "Master, the Tempest is Raging" and a prayer of safety the branch was ushered to the hallways of our little branch building to wait out the bad weather. It was a little scary (I tried not to look or act scared but I WAS!) and so for the remainder of the hour, while the storm passed (no tornado came that close), we waited in the hall. After the storm we went back to classes and the rest of the day was nice!
It was a little crazy! I was getting all geared up for this:
Holy Moly!! I would have been peeing my pants!! Church would probly be a good place to be, though (;
Glad you're back in the blogging world, we missed ya!
Ahh, I miss the summers in ST.Louis...I loved the tornadoes! (except when Luke was out driving in them!!)
When I lived in MN, I was at the grocery store, and the siren's went off, and the weather got super bad...I started freaking out and started looking around at what and where the other people there were going, and they were all acting normal, like nothing was going on...I was like HELLO PEOPLE, WE'RE ALL ABOUT TO SUCKED UP IN A TORNADO AND YOU DON'T CARE?!?! I stayed there for quite awhile just walking around cause everybody was so calm it helped me not to run around screaming! :) haha I have more, that I laugh at now! haha
Oh my gosh!! I am so glad you guys are safe. That sounds like quite the experience. I love thunder storms though, so I am sort of jealous. I will get lots of rain in Seattle but not many thunder storms. Anyway, I am really glad you guys are ok. Love you lots
I got your comment and Heck ya you can add me to your sidebar! I would feel so lucky :) I have already added you to mine, I hope that's ok ;) Keep up the GREAT blogging. Good to keep up with ya :)
Yikes! Hopefully the tornado weather is done for now!
Okay - is it sick that I think this is funny? Funny that the locals were probably like "la te da" and funny that you were freaking out (quietly, inside, I'm sure no one saw). Of course its only funny because it was a warning - I'm glad you are safe.
Pretty crazy! I want to feel the way you do about time change! :)
You were freaked out, really? I thought the "locals" were freaking out more than the Idahoans... ha ha! What an interesting day that was.
Wow, that is scary! I'm glad you were fine though.
Dont worry though, I hear tornados like sucking up cows more than humans. :)
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