So, remember my week without internet? Well, it was supposed to be filled with projects and crossed off to do lists, etc. However, I didn't really get anything "extra" done throughout the week...
Sad??? not really.
Here is what I did accomplish...
Now, if you have been reading my blog for a little while, you'll know that my husband and I DO spend time together. In fact, we do everything together! (Living so far from family, we cling to each other more.) We love to go outdoors, see sites, go shopping, go to dinner, watch movies, etc. together. However, for a few months we have gotten in the habit of sitting together on the couch and staring at our own computers, not talking to each other, just pretty much in our own little worlds.
Some of you might consider that spending time together...and that's okay...
Some of you might consider that spending time together...and that's okay...
That is not like us. We are active, we are energetic, we like to LIVE LIFE!!! I realized that living like zombies in front of the computer was NOT living life to it's fullest.
I was getting annoyed with myself telling my husband "Just a minute, I need to finish reading this post." when he asked me a question, I was getting annoyed with Connel, "not listening" to me when I was trying to read him something that I thought should be VERY important to him, (which was in all reality a blog post from some blogging friend that I actually have never met in real life.)
My little media fast was NOT for the purpose of ending these issues, however...

TIME with my hubs.
Luckily, I was able to find THIS GREAT BLOG: Keepin' Romance Alive , it was linked to by a friend when I arrived back on the blogging scene a week or so ago, which just, once again, reminded me of how great it was to be able to spend time with my other half, and make it quality time.
This past week, someone I know passed away unexpectedly. Whenever someone passes away, I am reminded that the time we share with others on this earth is EVER SO PRECIOUS! I believe that we can be with the ones we love for eternity, but that doesn't make missing them when they leave this earth any less hard to deal with. I just keep thinking of this song...
Another note...This past week, someone I know passed away unexpectedly. Whenever someone passes away, I am reminded that the time we share with others on this earth is EVER SO PRECIOUS! I believe that we can be with the ones we love for eternity, but that doesn't make missing them when they leave this earth any less hard to deal with. I just keep thinking of this song...
Last night I got this little email from another friend with this DARLING video. Seems like I'm being reminded of this concept of spending TIME with your family so much lately...
I am not an expert on family or marriage relations, but today, I challenge you to remember those people who are most important in your life...and go spend your TIME with them...
...and consider yourself ever so lucky to have them in your life!

Mike and I need to work on that more too or sometimes our problem is passing James between us so the other can get something done.....we just have to cherish all those moments when all 3 of us can spend time together....I like that video btw.
Family time really is the best! You are so right! Sometimes Rusty and I miss that time together because of his mechaning, but it's good to remember those moments you do have and cherish them. Thanks for the post! I needed it :)
I am so glad that the media fast was a positive one...Luke and I are getting rid of cable pretty soon and I'll let you know how it goes! :)
what a cute video. thanks for posting it.
That sounds like Nick and I. One of us is always on the computer; either Nick is doing homework or I am blogging! Maybe I will have to try a media fast...
cute commercial, thanks for sharing!
I love it. I feel the same way sometimes. We sit down and watch 'shows' a lot, and as of yesterday... no more DISH TV! It's gonna be an adjustment because we are addicted to a few TV shows (Lost, ANTM, The Bachelor, The office...) But it's so worth it. I think I will spend a lot more time with my hubby. Even though we are always together I don't feel like we are always doing things as a couple! here's a shout out to great husbands!!!
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