Sometimes I leave you little notes, sometimes I just stalk you and admire your many talents and from a distance. Sometimes I spend hours with you just because I like being with you...
However, I feel ashamed that it has come to this.
It's not that you aren't important in my life, it's not that I have stopped loving you, you still have that same spark that you have always had, it's just that I need some time to think.
You see, the thing is, I think that it's about time we take a break.

If there is something important that you need to talk to me about, call me...I would love to hear your voice.
I have left you with a parting gift. 10 things you can do to simplify your life
I will miss you immensely this week.
From "I love blogging" to a "break" I hope you can patch it up soon because I love reading your blog.
I feel like I need to do that too, but I couldn't do it for a week....
I'll miss ya! Sometimes I feel like a blog junkie too, maybe I should take a break.
Laura, you are so adorable! I love you :)
I could never do that!! Good Luck!!
I didn't believe it - but it proves true! Come back Laura....we all miss you!
Yes, come back - Alicia and I are talking about how we are in Laura blog withdrawals and how we want to hear about Jonathan stopping by.
Gasp - what if this week has been so amazing and you decide to break up permanently with the mediasphere? Ack!
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