

crime scene {12x12 digital scrapbook pages}

When we first moved into our cute little home, here in Eastern Missouri, we were greeted by a slimy but friendly little creature. He soon came to be known as Boris the Bullfrog (Connel insisted on Tooter the Toad, but alas, Boris ruled out). Boris lived in a small hole under the front sidewalk. He could frequently be found basking in the moonlight during our evening walks.

My husband's vendetta against Boris was suspected from the beginning...In their first moments of meeting, Connel attempted (he claimed it was accidental) to STEP on poor Boris! But, with his agile froggy legs... he escaped death...



It all started, when I decided to get some fresh air on Sunday night after a long weekend in the house...while I was outside I decided to see if Boris was up to his usual routine. But, he was not to be found. I had a small inkling that something was wrong, but, I dismissed it as quickly as it came.

Then, when Connel came home from work yesterday, we took a little jaunt to the mailboxes to pick up our bills, bills, bills. On the way TO the mailboxes I *almost* stepped in a little peice of doggie poopie, but Connel warned me just in time. It was obviously supposed to be a distraction from the scene I layed eyes on on the way back FROM the mailbox. At first I thought it was the doggie poo, but then...

...Poor little BORIS! He was smashed to death! Just inches away from the poopie...

And the evidence...4 runner tracks...(well I guess you could say that Boris WAS the 4 runner track...) but, no... I had not driven in the past week, so it had to be none other than...

He confessed that it happened sometime early in the weekend, he again suggested that it was an "accident", that he didn't even know that it happened. However, given his previous vendetta and Connel's own "history", he was a prime suspect...

But why? why, you ask... Why would sweet, loving, wonderful husband Connel do something gruesome? Only pure "green" jealousy could bring on something so horrible...

Slimy, wart matter how unsightly a little Bullfrog may seem, they all turn into Handsome princes in the end.

Hey, how else did you think I found My Handsome Prince?


Sweet Em said...

Laura! You are so silly...

Hey, this reminds me - do you have that picture of Aaron and I kissing at Niagara Falls?

Brooke Monk said...

You're so cute Laura-and very creative too. Who else could come up with such a cute story out of something most people wouldn't think twice about. You should write children's books.

Tanya said...

oh my gosh I had to laugh through that whole thing..(so sorry about Boris though that is sad) I just loved how you put a story to it. I laughed even harder at the picture of Connel...:) that was funny!!!

Jessica said...

That was funny! Thanks for a good laugh this morning!!

Kimi said...

You crack me up. I love you that you scrapbooked it for posterity. Can you imagine... "Mommy, why is daddy holding up that sign?"

Sweet Em said...

You know...maybe if you would have let "Tooter the Toad" win out he'd still be with us today...

Katie said...

Too funny!! Haha, we sure miss you guys!

Ashley said...

What a cute post!

just me said...

this was adorable Laura. You guys make me want to be young again! this middle-aged stuff is yucky! I want my youth back...